Hermitage Limestone Ltd. carries out multiple CSR initiatives particularly focused but not limited to it's local area of operations in Arima.

Some of these initiatives include:

  • Assisting in maintaining the road of the village through which vehicular traffic must pass to get to the quarry.
  • When Hermitage Limestone first started operating the 5km dirt road to the quarry was barely passable. Hermitage has done extensive works to this road by cutting and widening dangerous areas as well as creating a solid base layer less prone to landslips and reducing overall commute times significantly.
  • Hermitage deploys a water dowsing truck to help keep the village and dirt roads damp thereby reducing airborne dust raised by vehicular traffic both improving visibility for drivers and helping to improve the quality of the air for residents.
  • Hermitage additionally assists villagers, farmers and other property owners where they need help creating better access to their properties along the dirt road.
  • Hermitage Limestone is a major sponsor of the annual Arima Green Mountain Marathon.
  • Hermitage also sponsors the Arima Angel Harps pan band.
  • At Hermitage we have a dedicated training room which we have freely opened to any industry relevant training or exposition.